Wow, time really flies under the Grace of our beloved Father.
In all my 36 years, I've never feel such happy & peace- the shalom way. Someone recently commented that I used to be very pessimistic whenever things happened. But the tremendous changes they sees (And I can be sure they'll see more improvements) , is a total new me!
Seriously, I am helplessly changing. I can't help as these goods things kept pouring into me & the blessings are "Uncontrolable"! Abba Daddy has been sending not only angels to me but He Himself continuosly ensure and assure me in all my situations! (Now you get the picture why I am in such happy & shalom feelings?)
I am glad that Jesus has never foresake me, even though @ times I still sin..... Jesus has never @ one time overlook me and my attention. I thank You, father!
The secret of these beautiful results..... Seek first the kingdom of God & His righteousness, and all these things shall be added plus multiplied to you (Matthew-6:33). Continue pursuing His love, grace & righteouness and you shall enjoy eternal happiness in life.
I am blessed, are you?
From a Highly Favoured, Greatly Loved & Deeply Blessed brother.....

36 years of wandering in the wilderness, until "The Passion" revealed Him on 2008. Though 36 years, I find it never too late, for I've gone through, failed many, and on the verge of giving up, His light (John 8:12) shine through my world of darkness and brought me into HIS light. Hallelujah! Thank You, Abba Jesus.
My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!

By His stripes, I am all healed!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
It's been awhile since I've the honour to communicate with the Lord oftenly! No, it's not the Lord who had forsaken me. I know it's me whom did not fully look to Jesus of late
Anyway, wouldn't talk abt what the Lord communicate to me in church this morning, Good Things can wait.
O yes, I couldn't wait to share with you abt my dinner
tonight! Muz be wondering why I m sharing my dinner with you? O, God always have His ways to communicate with us.
Okay, was stucked the carpark entrance to Anchor Point in the evening. So we decided to head to Tiong Bahru Plaza instead. B4 long, we already parked and had seated ourselves down on this new place- Eighteen Chefs ( Nothing particular happened but noticed there's something unusual with the staffs working here. B4 long, Shawn, the Manager was over @ our table asking if everything was okay, food alright? We had a good chat and here's where the rubber meet the road, Shawn revealed to us that the whole group of pple running the place were extra-ordinary, they were the forsaken group. This is where he revealed how Mr. Benny Ho, whom he himself also one the forsaken, visioned himself to save many, more than 15 years ago! (You may get more of Benny's story on the above blog.)
I wanna thank God for bringing me to Eighteen Chefs. Though I couldn't get to meet Benny, am sure I've already experienced the transformation he and his team had, through Shawn & the Tiong Bahru team. Thumbs up guys!
Well, everyone deserve a 2nd chance. I am sure everything comes together for a good cause and I pray to God that I can also contribute my cause for anyone whom need it out there!
Last but not least, Benny saw this verse which had changed his life......everyone who sins is a slave to sin.....So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:34)
Like my earlier blog, I sees the light
, you?
While bloging this, overheard my little 5 year old talking about "yesterday was history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, which is why it is call "present". Amen, brethrens. Jesus took our place @ the cross, so that you and I can be forgiven and be able to forgive. He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Praise
in the name of our Father, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Love always,
It's been awhile since I've the honour to communicate with the Lord oftenly! No, it's not the Lord who had forsaken me. I know it's me whom did not fully look to Jesus of late
Anyway, wouldn't talk abt what the Lord communicate to me in church this morning, Good Things can wait.
O yes, I couldn't wait to share with you abt my dinner
Okay, was stucked the carpark entrance to Anchor Point in the evening. So we decided to head to Tiong Bahru Plaza instead. B4 long, we already parked and had seated ourselves down on this new place- Eighteen Chefs ( Nothing particular happened but noticed there's something unusual with the staffs working here. B4 long, Shawn, the Manager was over @ our table asking if everything was okay, food alright? We had a good chat and here's where the rubber meet the road, Shawn revealed to us that the whole group of pple running the place were extra-ordinary, they were the forsaken group. This is where he revealed how Mr. Benny Ho, whom he himself also one the forsaken, visioned himself to save many, more than 15 years ago! (You may get more of Benny's story on the above blog.)
I wanna thank God for bringing me to Eighteen Chefs. Though I couldn't get to meet Benny, am sure I've already experienced the transformation he and his team had, through Shawn & the Tiong Bahru team. Thumbs up guys!
Well, everyone deserve a 2nd chance. I am sure everything comes together for a good cause and I pray to God that I can also contribute my cause for anyone whom need it out there!
Last but not least, Benny saw this verse which had changed his life......everyone who sins is a slave to sin.....So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:34)
Like my earlier blog, I sees the light
While bloging this, overheard my little 5 year old talking about "yesterday was history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, which is why it is call "present". Amen, brethrens. Jesus took our place @ the cross, so that you and I can be forgiven and be able to forgive. He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Praise
Love always,
Jeremiah 13 & 14
It was very unusual of me to wake up @ 6:22 in the morning especially on a Sunday! Even after a few attempts to get back into my dream land, I juz couldn't. So here I am, got up, washed & thot is good 4 me 2 immense into the Holies of the Holy!
A flipped & I was on Jeremiah 13 & 14. Although, I've briefly went thru the whole book, but it was juz like passing by a state w/o entering into it's city. So here I am, finally exploring the city of a state.
Anyway, the Lord uses a simple sash to relate His feelings towards the waywards, the back-slided! In this chpt, it may seems, the pple may possessed many things, but all these possessings are of empty vessels. The Lord also goes on to narrate the curses in this chpt. How harsed, how merciless from the Lord we read, but this chpt oso revealed the bitterness & sadness when the Lord has to do all these.
Chpt 14, continues to reveal how bad the situation was (14:3-6). Then something caught my attention on verse 12, my whole u/standings turns around! Yes, it is on this verse tat I began to realise tat the Lord didn't bring me to this chpt last month or next month. It is now Sept 6th 2009, look up all the calendars, & you'll u/stand.
I shall not elaborate further as I believed all things come together for a cause and mine will be of good cause. How abt yours?
O yes, the Lord did not juz stop here but He ceases me when I recall tat I was woke up @ 6:22am. I believe in the Gospel as we are the New Creationers. Naturally I turned to Matthew 6:22, whereby it says: The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eyes is good, your whole body will be full of light". My brethren, we are able to see many "lights".... I rest my case.
Peace be with you.
God love all of us, be in His love.
It was very unusual of me to wake up @ 6:22 in the morning especially on a Sunday! Even after a few attempts to get back into my dream land, I juz couldn't. So here I am, got up, washed & thot is good 4 me 2 immense into the Holies of the Holy!
A flipped & I was on Jeremiah 13 & 14. Although, I've briefly went thru the whole book, but it was juz like passing by a state w/o entering into it's city. So here I am, finally exploring the city of a state.
Anyway, the Lord uses a simple sash to relate His feelings towards the waywards, the back-slided! In this chpt, it may seems, the pple may possessed many things, but all these possessings are of empty vessels. The Lord also goes on to narrate the curses in this chpt. How harsed, how merciless from the Lord we read, but this chpt oso revealed the bitterness & sadness when the Lord has to do all these.
Chpt 14, continues to reveal how bad the situation was (14:3-6). Then something caught my attention on verse 12, my whole u/standings turns around! Yes, it is on this verse tat I began to realise tat the Lord didn't bring me to this chpt last month or next month. It is now Sept 6th 2009, look up all the calendars, & you'll u/stand.
I shall not elaborate further as I believed all things come together for a cause and mine will be of good cause. How abt yours?
O yes, the Lord did not juz stop here but He ceases me when I recall tat I was woke up @ 6:22am. I believe in the Gospel as we are the New Creationers. Naturally I turned to Matthew 6:22, whereby it says: The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eyes is good, your whole body will be full of light". My brethren, we are able to see many "lights".... I rest my case.
Peace be with you.
God love all of us, be in His love.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Proverbs- 15:1
Originally, planned to visit a Sista @ her office yesterday afternoon. Something prompt me to do the journey in the morning. Hence, there I was, @ her office in early morning! When she saw me, she was so delightful but with a bitterness hidden behind her smile.
Immediately after my errands settled with her colleagues, she pulled me into the conference room & poured out on how her sub-ordinates had been taking advantages of the many situations in her office. Heard many unpleasanties of her team & the harsh wordings they used! (wait a minute, didn't I juz read abt something similar to tis situation?)
O yes, juz b4 I stepped out of home yesterday. The Lord had me reading on Proverbs- 15:1, "Soft answer turns away wrath, Harsh words stir up anger"! Wow, the Lord is good, He didn't let me read this after my visit to this sista but juz 2 hours b4 my visit!
Immediately, I know my Lord is making good use of a jnr Christian like me to bring His message to pple whom nd it!
@ time when being asked by my surrounding pple of wat made me turned to become a believer. I told them lots of things that come together. But, I know that the experiences, immediate answers, solutions & messages fm God are something, only the believer themselves encountered. No words can explained these but to experience by yourself.
Okay, let's get back to this sista of mine. Recited the Lord's message to her and you will be glad to see her tears stop rolling down. As she knew by then, the Lord always know her situations and is always setting her up for a better blessings!
Hallelujah, our Lord is great, He is mighty. He is everywhere and He knows all our situations. Juz as Jesus had taken all our wraths, curses, illnesses & debts, God will never ever forsake us.
Be still & be blessed!
Love always,
Originally, planned to visit a Sista @ her office yesterday afternoon. Something prompt me to do the journey in the morning. Hence, there I was, @ her office in early morning! When she saw me, she was so delightful but with a bitterness hidden behind her smile.
Immediately after my errands settled with her colleagues, she pulled me into the conference room & poured out on how her sub-ordinates had been taking advantages of the many situations in her office. Heard many unpleasanties of her team & the harsh wordings they used! (wait a minute, didn't I juz read abt something similar to tis situation?)
O yes, juz b4 I stepped out of home yesterday. The Lord had me reading on Proverbs- 15:1, "Soft answer turns away wrath, Harsh words stir up anger"! Wow, the Lord is good, He didn't let me read this after my visit to this sista but juz 2 hours b4 my visit!
Immediately, I know my Lord is making good use of a jnr Christian like me to bring His message to pple whom nd it!
@ time when being asked by my surrounding pple of wat made me turned to become a believer. I told them lots of things that come together. But, I know that the experiences, immediate answers, solutions & messages fm God are something, only the believer themselves encountered. No words can explained these but to experience by yourself.
Okay, let's get back to this sista of mine. Recited the Lord's message to her and you will be glad to see her tears stop rolling down. As she knew by then, the Lord always know her situations and is always setting her up for a better blessings!
Hallelujah, our Lord is great, He is mighty. He is everywhere and He knows all our situations. Juz as Jesus had taken all our wraths, curses, illnesses & debts, God will never ever forsake us.
Be still & be blessed!
Love always,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Olives & Vine
While was on (Wat my Pastor always called) the Great White Throne, my attention was caught on the following verse:-
Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
In the heart of your house,
Your children like olive plants
All around your table.
Psalm 128:3
Wat better thing can you ever have? A fruitful vine in the house whereby children blooming out like olive plants & most importantly, the great joy of family around the dining table!
It means joy, celebration, food never ending & joy always laughing!
Hallelujah, I want this blessings and I m receiving these from my Abba Daddy. Now, I m continue to pray to Daddy and continue to be showered by His mercies and loves!
While was on (Wat my Pastor always called) the Great White Throne, my attention was caught on the following verse:-
Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine
In the heart of your house,
Your children like olive plants
All around your table.
Psalm 128:3
Wat better thing can you ever have? A fruitful vine in the house whereby children blooming out like olive plants & most importantly, the great joy of family around the dining table!
It means joy, celebration, food never ending & joy always laughing!
Hallelujah, I want this blessings and I m receiving these from my Abba Daddy. Now, I m continue to pray to Daddy and continue to be showered by His mercies and loves!
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