The raindrops of the morning drizzle tapping gently on the glass panel windows. I slowly opened my eyes & my clock shows 6:33.....
Matthew 6:33 rushes through my mind follows by Matthew 7:7. Hey didn't I blog both blogs here & here? Like Memory Flashcards, Luke 11:3 also flooded into my mind within those few minutes.
Matthew 6:33 rushes through my mind follows by Matthew 7:7. Hey didn't I blog both blogs here & here? Like Memory Flashcards, Luke 11:3 also flooded into my mind within those few minutes.
Yes, I was recently having some reservations of whether should I continue with my current situations or should I start thinking of alternatives? But many things have pulled down and restricted my movements. These have caused struggling inside me and I simply can't lift it up nor let it go.
But how many of us understands that God is Tri-Omni:- Omnipresence, Omniscience plus Omnipotent. He know us and know at which point we are lost too. He is the Master of the universe and He is also the solutions to all our situations!
All in all, when I piece the verses together, it really make sense:-
First of all, God sees my worries and Jesus reveals to me "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (Matt 6:33)
After assuring me, the Lord guide me to “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (Matt 7:7)
As if knowing I can't rest and impatient for the fruit, Abba Father further pray with me "Give us day by day our daily bread." (Luke 11:3)
By showing me these verses again, He "reminded" me of Ps Prince preaching last Sunday. Ps told us that God wants us to remind Him, not because God is forgetful but because God enjoy us communicating with Him!
Ps used a very simple illustration between Jessica (Prince's lovely ten year old) and himself as an example. During their recent vacation, Ps was made to take the Roller Coaster with Jessica. And mind you, Ps never enjoy this ride but because of his love for Jess, he relented. Just @ that moment, Jess turned and told her daddy that she knew he didn't like to take the ride... The next sentence from her mouth really explained why God love to have us reminding Him. Jessica said: "Daddy, thank you for taking the ride with me.." (If anyone hasn't been shaken by her words, then I will say he's a liar!) Isn't this like how God feels of us when we remind Him?
From a daddy's point of view, I will go all out for my little Xylon, so long it will leave even the slightest impression in his growing up years. No amount of words can express how comforted I will be. At all cost, everything is worth it! This is what the Lord feel when we reminded Him of us, of our prayers, of our situations and of our longings......
Lastly, in relate to Lord's presence first thing this morning, Abba is always with me- Omnipresence, guide me- Omniscience and lead me out of my situations- Omnipotent.
My brethren, in all our situations, so long Jesus is in the mist, we will never be lost but reign with victorious life!
Hallelujah, Lord, I am unable, but only You can.