Dear Brethrens,
Abt a month ago, I've sent out sms when Obama was being elected. During den, I've quoted Genesis 44 for Obama being the 44th president of the United State as well as being the 1st black president. (BTW, on tat day, I saw rainbow on a sunny/ dry day while driving by Benjamin Shere Bridge towards Changi! So it muz be the book of Genesis!)
In tat sms, I've said tat we'll be in the Benjamin's generation with 5 time more blessings
(See Picture on the right). Today, when I read Genesis again, I realised it was on chpt 43-34. So I began to look into chpt 44 again & here God unveiled my eyes. I found out tat Joseph is here to fill our sacks with food, as much as we can carry, & put our money back into our sacks!
Do you get it now? If we believe in Him, God can reimburse us with our needs & our lost to us!
Abt a month ago, I've sent out sms when Obama was being elected. During den, I've quoted Genesis 44 for Obama being the 44th president of the United State as well as being the 1st black president. (BTW, on tat day, I saw rainbow on a sunny/ dry day while driving by Benjamin Shere Bridge towards Changi! So it muz be the book of Genesis!)
In tat sms, I've said tat we'll be in the Benjamin's generation with 5 time more blessings

Do you get it now? If we believe in Him, God can reimburse us with our needs & our lost to us!

I am believing into it, are you? Sorry even if you don't, you shall still r'cd this blessings as we are all His righteousness in God. God don't see us as us, for He see us through His Son- Jesus. For Jesus had repaid all our sins, our unrighteousness & taken all our debts, curses & sicknesses!
I am so glad tat Jesus is in me & I m truly blessed. I wanna you to have same blessings in all your situations too, so open your door for Him.
Praise in the name of Jesus, AMEN!
Love always,
Bible Chia
I am so glad tat Jesus is in me & I m truly blessed. I wanna you to have same blessings in all your situations too, so open your door for Him.
Praise in the name of Jesus, AMEN!
Love always,
Bible Chia