My Dearest Brother & Sister in Christ,
If U notice on my 1st post, I've mentioned on God setting me up to Psalm 97 & 23. After posting out tat message & shutting down my PC, I realised tat God had originally given me Psalm 91:7 instead of Psalm 97! It was very late during den- 9:42am (Israel timing), Singapore was 1:43am.....
So I was tossing on bed on how on earth did I get tis wrong! B4 long, God put me to sleep, like asking me to rest (Familiar?). To rest in His finiz work...
When I was on my way to office tis morning, God unveiled & show me why 97 instead of 917. When I look @ the cars around me, their registration numbers are of maximum of 4 digits! O my God, I realised why not 91723 but 9723?
And He continue to show me why 97 for the "1" thing we look out to- Jesus, is among all of us & in fact He is among 9723! To me, w/o Jesus, 9723 will oni contained 4 digits. For me, it's five digits of 9"1"723. And "five" represent Grace & I am believing in receiving 5 times more blessings as compared to the rest whom still tink 9723 contained 4 digits!
Hallelujah, my gratefulness to my Lord, my Sheperd. I look onto your Rod for directions, your staff which hook me out in any situations. For You r always with me in all my situations. Thank You, Lord!
O yes, juz to let u know tat I m by no means trying to encourage 4-"D"igit or any form of gambling. For when I was a follower previously, I've wasted so much onto tis.
Like my Pastor always preached, anything tat is on human efforts, it'll not last (True, I lost more den I gained). But everything from Him, will be forever ours when U believe in His finiz work for all of us @ Calvary.
I like to thank God for Your devine wisdoms given unto me tat I am enjoying every single day of my Christian walk of life. Every steps taken are increased blessings by You. Amen!
God blessed everyone of you whom hv come along my path & my blog.....
Love always yesterday, today & forever,
Bible Chia
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