My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!

My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!
By His stripes, I am all healed!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Psalm 23:4-5

"Yea, though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil; for You are with me; Your Rod & Your Staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table in the presence of my enemies; You annoint my head with oils; my cup runs over."

After our withdrawal from the merger, the Executive Chairman of the other company had been wanting to see me personally. According to my BIGGER partner, meet up with the other company for one time and let them vent it out, if any. Say nothing back so as to let my BIGGER boss have better 后路in the long run! (More like 送羊入虎口!)

Despite of how reluctant I am, I still need to face that music, his hostilties & etc.... Well, I also been diligently talking to our Abba Daddy. And finally come the day to go into “虎口”, I annoint my hand, my face, my mouth, in fact all over me with oil!
God is so great, when I stepped into his poshed office, he didn't said much but offer me to sit down. For all I know, I was seated for around 15 minutes with occasional casual hellos. Then I realised, he was focusing on his! God had seated me in his office ard 12: 10pm & by 12:25pm, we bid goodbye for KE Stock will be done @ 12:30pm! @ least I've visited him & given him the respect whereby my BIGGER partner nd not to be awkward after this!

For all I know, God put me @ the right place @ the right time!

Praise to our Lord, our God, our Abba Father for His super-natural favours in all areas of our life!

In Jesus name, I pray AMEN!

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