16 فَهَكَذَا يَصِيرُ الآخِرُونَ أَوَّلِينَ، وَالأَوَّلُونَ آخِرِينَ. »
Ma-thi-ô 20:16 (1934 Vietnamese Bible)
16 Đó, những kẻ rốt sẽ nên đầu và kẻ đầu sẽ nên rốt là như vậy.
Matei 20:16 (Romanian)
16Tot aşa, cei din urmă vor fi cei dintîi, şi cei dintîi vor fi cei din urmă; pentrucă mulţi sînt chemaţi, dar puţini sînt aleşi.``
馬 太 福 音 20:16 (Chinese Union Version (Traditional))
16 這 樣 , 那 在 後 的 , 將 要 在 前 ; 在 前 的 , 將 要 在 後 了 。 ( 有 古 卷 在 此 有 : 因 為 被 召 的 人 多 , 選 上 的 人 少 。 )
Matthew 20:16 (New International Version)
16"So the last will be first, and the first will be last."
Amen Brethrens,
Muz be wondering why the many (5) versions of Matthew 20:16? Nothing in particular as I realised wat Abba Father Jesus was inputing when He was telling this story..
Was having lunch with an old time brother recently and our topic relayed back to Christ. He has been a Child of God since school days and was one of those whom was so delighted when I came into relationship with Christ
Anyway, during our chatting, realised this brother stressed so much of how we should not participate in the Chinese doings in front of the elders. As this will mis-lead them that even in Christ, we (The Born-Again in Christ) still holding on to the Chinese ways of religion. Despite my stressing that there's only one true God with us, this brother couldn't accept my thinkings. I was sadden....
One thing I've enjoyed after becoming His righteouness of God in Christ
Father, Abba Daddy, I pray to you that you'll always show mercy and reign Your devine Grace on us
I love You father as You have 1st love us.
And God bless
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