How have you been? Wow, it's been quite a rest ever since my last blog! But I trust that even w/o my sharings, our Abba Daddy and His multitudes of Angels are taking good care of every one of us! AMEN!
Alright, today I wanna confess of my phobia of readings as well as how the Lord had transformed me within these two weeks!
Ever since I came into His mighty wings last September, all my brothers and sistas had been with great joy for a brother who was dead and has come alive into Jesus's embraced! They had always wanna helped me to u/stand our Lord better and had given me many books to read. One thing abt me, I can never finish a book. It's always after one or two pages, I will find some lamb excuses to get myself out of the text! It had been so until the evening, last Wednesday......
I was waiting for Little Xylon to finish his "I can read" class and my mind was on how to improve my little business as these few months had been below the red line. Thus, found myself in PageOne flipping one of the Self Helped Business Book. And you know what? God can be my witness, a very strong calling inside me kept telling me, "CLOSE THE BOOK, CLOSE THE BOOK"! Immediately, I shut and put the book down. The Lord had me walking towards the direction of a section behind the Chinese section... Low and behold, the section is for all religious (I wonder why call religious?) When approaching the section, one book stands out and captured my attention. On the cover was none other than my beloved Pastor!

By now, I know tat strong calling inside of me was from the Holy Spirit and I know He had pointed (And He is still pointing) me to "Destined To Reign"!
My close buddies will knows that I never can finish any book except Our Holy Gospel Book- The Holy Bible. But here I am, flipping one page after another. The spirit just kept me going on! Within a 20 minutes, I was done with one chapter! If not because of nowhere to sit, I would have continue the reading!
Anyway, the ultimate confession is that I had been reading the book whenever I am available and I strongly knows that I am being transformed from glories to glories.
O Father, let me be that hopelessly lost son be another useful instrument to be of good testimony to the world! Bless me super-abundantly so that I can bring better blessings to Your children. I pray to You that You'll see us through our problems, sicknesses, debts and unhappiness, You'll send Angels around to be here for us, to protect us and to prosper us. Father, I can never love You enough for Your love for us is beyond measures.
Thank You Father, Thank You for loving us.
In Jesus name..... AMEN!
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