My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!

My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!
By His stripes, I am all healed!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jesus is just a prayer away.....

Shalom and Jesus be with you,

Many a time, we do or rather we do not know what to pray during our worship to Him.
In Luke-11, Jesus teaches the prayer to the Father..

"Our Father in heaven,
 Hallowed be Your name.
 Your kingdom come,
 Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

 Give us day by day our daily bread.

 And forgive us our sins,
 For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
 And do not lead us into temptation,
 But deliver us from the evil one."

Do you find yourself in better peace now? 

For me, "hee hee hee", I m someone whom can't remember long messages, will do the direct way... THAT is to "talk" to the Lord. Many a time, we stammered because we tried to remember scripts or trying hard to get words out of our mouth. 

I've learned to say whatever in my mind even if is with simple words. Alternatively, is to speak to Him in an unknown tongue, words I myself do not understand too.... but do not despise the power of  this speaking!

Hallelujah, so long these words are from your mind, it will be heard by our Abba Daddy, our Lord, our God and most importantly, our SAVIOUR! Like the pictures above, Jesus is just a prayer away!

Amen... Father, Amen!

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