My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!

My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!
By His stripes, I am all healed!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Co-incidence or God-incidence?

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ.

I want to share the recent experiences I had.

The first happened on Saturday. As out of the blue, i recited “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”. Then on Sunday service, Pastor Lian also mentioned this verse
The "GOD-incidence" of this verse within Saturday and Sunday kept me thinking, GOD is listening! 

The second experience is really an Up-Close-Personal touch whereby Pastor Lian was leading us to lift one hand and to clench the other into a fist position. She asked us to throw all our cares, our concerns, our worries, our debts, our sicknesses, our transgressions, our sins and our iniquities unto this fist. 
With the worship songs "Believe" humming on the background, she asked us to bring forth this fist and put it at the cross where our LORD JESUS was nailed to.
My dear brethren, this is where I encountered something which I never experienced in the past.....
The very moment I put my fist and opened it unto the cross. I saw JESUS lifted HIS eyes to heaven and says out: "It is done!". Then JESUS closed HIS eyes, bow HIS head and HE rest! 

Wow, of so many times we casted our cares unto the cross. I have never seen this but just when I recited Luke 9:58 a day before, and Pastor Lian uses this verse earlier, I saw ABBA DADDY finally found place to lay HIS  head!! 
Best of all, HE ensures me with HIS words: "It is done!". Notice the main word here is not "finished" but "done", how not to proclaim all my cares, worries & every single bad curses have been dealt with, by my LORD!! Hallelujah!

AMEN Father, Praises to the LORD whom opened HIS doors and flooded me with HIS blessings where I could not find enough room to store all; GOD always blesses us with boat-sinking, net-breaking, loads full of rewards!

Thank GOD for being with us, my brethren, my family, my friends and my neighbors! 

In the wonderful name of JESUS,


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