Shalom in the name of Lord Jesus Christ!
It's been months since I last wrote, yes, a long while where many things happened! Bad things have been happening to me since the ending of year 2010 till now.
First it was all my pains that happened to me & I witnessed how the LORD turn the pains that were against me to be for me!
Then, the beginning of Quarter 2 this year, something terrible happened. My mum's kidneys failed on top of her existing High-Blood & Diabetic. Ever since, she has been in and out of hospital. The amount of energies and time on it had badly bashed our families badly. As a normal income earner, I m bleeding financially adding on to those earlier lousy finance managements..
In the past few weeks, I had been praying, expecting of goods results daily! But as each day got by, with mum's conditions up and downs, I m at my wits ends. As I m not sure how much longer I can afford, as in a short span of time, the red marks escalated higher and higher, not knowing when will be it's peak.
It was family's love that kept me pushing forward and that at one point, I lost it. Yes, I loose my faith and asked why all these happened to me, being the child of HIS beloved? I even compared myself to Job, but again I thought of King David, whom had sinned but being a man after God's heart, God preserved him! It was each time some evil thoughts floated up, I sinked it with another of God's glory. I m tire, I m so tire of this that I remember how Elijah must have felt, after the woman threatened to kill him..... but wait, why do I fear? The only fear from me is to fear of the LORD!
Just as I was fighting internally, the LORD just put these two sets of numbers to me:-
382 & 832... While I was looking hard into these numbers, Psalm and Romans just flowed into my mind.....
Lo and behold, when I pieced both together, the results are:-
Psalm 38:2, For Your arrows pierce me deeply, and Your hand presses me down.
(What I was going through, and JESUS HIMSELF, took my place & received all the above- HIS passion!)
Romans 8:32, He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
(Jehovah Jireh assuring me with this 2nd set of number!)
Yes LORD JESUS, forgive me for being swayed away by the devil. I shall hold on tightly to Matthew 17:20, to at least having the faith as small as a mustard seed.
LORD JESUS, come into my life and transformed me. For me and my household, we shall serve the LORD.
Praise the wonderful name of JESUS CHRIST!

36 years of wandering in the wilderness, until "The Passion" revealed Him on 2008. Though 36 years, I find it never too late, for I've gone through, failed many, and on the verge of giving up, His light (John 8:12) shine through my world of darkness and brought me into HIS light. Hallelujah! Thank You, Abba Jesus.
My little Cross, He Heavily Carried!

By His stripes, I am all healed!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Redemption Draws Near
What a way to start the week!
It was this morning (Tuesday), while I was watching Pastor's YouTube- God's Glory Unveiled In The Last Days, which he preached on the 20th March 2011 (9 days after Japan 9.0 Quake), one of his verse captured my attention.
And that was Luke 21:28,
And on this moment, I realised that despite the major earthquake happened some two weeks back, GOD is still assuring us of HIS mercies!
Okay, let's see it in point form:-
1) The Japan major earthquake happened on 11th March 2011
2) Pastor preached on Luke 21:28 on 20th March 2011
3) Another earthquake hit Myanmar on 24th March 2011
4) Saw the Rainbow on 27th March 2011 (P/s, Rock Auditorium directly below it)
5) Further tremors in various countries reported after 27th March 2011
It seems that from the points above, Point Number 1 is referring to the verse of Luke 21:28- "When these things begin to happen".
What a way to start the week!
It was this morning (Tuesday), while I was watching Pastor's YouTube- God's Glory Unveiled In The Last Days, which he preached on the 20th March 2011 (9 days after Japan 9.0 Quake), one of his verse captured my attention.
And that was Luke 21:28,
28Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”
And on this moment, I realised that despite the major earthquake happened some two weeks back, GOD is still assuring us of HIS mercies!
Okay, let's see it in point form:-
1) The Japan major earthquake happened on 11th March 2011
2) Pastor preached on Luke 21:28 on 20th March 2011
3) Another earthquake hit Myanmar on 24th March 2011
4) Saw the Rainbow on 27th March 2011 (P/s, Rock Auditorium directly below it)
5) Further tremors in various countries reported after 27th March 2011
It seems that from the points above, Point Number 1 is referring to the verse of Luke 21:28- "When these things begin to happen".
I rest, rejoice and be glad in it not as a believer only but a BELIEVING BELIEVER!For we being HIS beloved children, GOD came in to intervene and HE has lifted up HIS standard against all these things for you and I!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Co-incidence or God-incidence?
Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ.
I want to share the recent experiences I had.
The first happened on Saturday. As out of the blue, i recited “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”. Then on Sunday service, Pastor Lian also mentioned this verse!
The "GOD-incidence" of this verse within Saturday and Sunday kept me thinking, GOD is listening!
The second experience is really an Up-Close-Personal touch whereby Pastor Lian was leading us to lift one hand and to clench the other into a fist position. She asked us to throw all our cares, our concerns, our worries, our debts, our sicknesses, our transgressions, our sins and our iniquities unto this fist.
With the worship songs "Believe" humming on the background, she asked us to bring forth this fist and put it at the cross where our LORD JESUS was nailed to.
My dear brethren, this is where I encountered something which I never experienced in the past.....
The very moment I put my fist and opened it unto the cross. I saw JESUS lifted HIS eyes to heaven and says out: "It is done!". Then JESUS closed HIS eyes, bow HIS head and HE rest!
Wow, of so many times we casted our cares unto the cross. I have never seen this but just when I recited Luke 9:58 a day before, and Pastor Lian uses this verse earlier, I saw ABBA DADDY finally found place to lay HIS head!!
Best of all, HE ensures me with HIS words: "It is done!". Notice the main word here is not "finished" but "done", how not to proclaim all my cares, worries & every single bad curses have been dealt with, by my LORD!! Hallelujah!
AMEN Father, Praises to the LORD whom opened HIS doors and flooded me with HIS blessings where I could not find enough room to store all; GOD always blesses us with boat-sinking, net-breaking, loads full of rewards!
Thank GOD for being with us, my brethren, my family, my friends and my neighbors!
In the wonderful name of JESUS,
Friday, February 11, 2011
Late Believe, Early Deliverance
Shalom in the mighty name of our LORD Jesus!
Remember I mentioned about my 'Slip-Disc' of more than 15 years during my last writing? Well, I promised to elaborate more of it, and here we go.....
It all started when I was still an unbeliever, during my NS days.....
In those days, nothing good nor favors seem to ever be happened to me! All my friends around me were being allocated to 'easy-life' units or some to become NS Police! As for me, I was being sent to Infantry Unit & to make it worst, "Charlie Company" whereby everything were more on-the-ball than the rest of the Unit! Well, to rub more into it, our platoon was under a notorious sadist Sergeant! So you may imagine how was our morale.....
Anyway, it was during those period, I hurt my back in one of the exercise in Thailand. Ever since, I been going through lots of medical checkups, X-Ray, physiotherapy and treatments. All results concluded that I had what been termed as 'Slip-Disc'! So all these years, I've been living in pain and annually, the pain will come back without fail!
My back-condition had been causing great pains especially the last one. Despite praying over it, the pain was so unbearable that I decided to seek the doctor for further treatments.
But something unusual happened this time round! The doctor did a further check unto me and concluded that I did not have any 'Slip-Disc'! I was shocked to hear that for I have been living in the mentality of suffering from 'Slip-Disc' and yet this doctor was telling me that I am not! He further explained that if I had been suffering from it, I wouldn't been able to do the many bending and stretching he tested on me!
To him, he termed my condition with some sort of medical condition's name, but in short- 'Muscle-Tense'! Whatever the name of my suffering is, I felt an instant appreciation in my heart and I know, GOD never ignore me at any moment! Hallelujah and praise be it to my wonderful, almighty LORD!
Well can you see it? I was made to believe that I have 'Slip-Disc' and all these years I've been living under the realm of such believe. But the moment I trusted in GOD, HE released me out of my agonies of many years and HE healed me in such a miracle way!
O yes, to add on to it, I was also detected 'Mitral-Valve-Prolapse' (MVP) in my Army days. It is a condition of additional murmuring sounds from my heart. All these years, many doctors had detected it and whenever I go for dental checkup, I need to take Anti-Biotic prior to Dental. And my Insurance premium and some coverages are also being affected!
Well, these murmuring sounds began to subside few years back. Thus after hearing the good news of my back condition, I further requested the Doctor to check on my heartbeat after I told him of my MVP, and you know what? He couldn't detect the additional murmuring! This is totally awesome! And this is where I recalled how the Israelites murmured when they were wandering out in the wilderness. But once, they stopped murmured, they were into GOD's promised land! And I did a recall back to when my heart murmur subside. It was some time in the beginning of 2009, AND I was SAVED in late 2008! HIS testimonials are for real and once I believe and my heart stop MURMUR!!!!!
Despite being a late believer, my deliverances were never late. The moment I stopped wandering and starts believing, GOD shows me HIS mercies and grace!
Therefore I urge you, my dear brethren, don't stop believing. Instead, Shema-Shema, keep on hearing, hearing and hearing, for Abba JESUS brings unto us, glad tidings of good news!
Be of good cheers!
GOD be with you, always!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Why And Whom
First and foremost, A Happy New Year to all!
Wow, it has been more than a month since I last wrote! Well, towards the last week of 2010, I was first down with flu, follow by fever. After-which, my 'slip-disc' (I will write on this again later) which I had suffered for more than 15 years, relapsed. Mind you, the worst of so many years! Eventually, I was down with flu again and only starts to recover these two days..... So all in all, five weeks of down-time! YES, five reminded me of HIS grace, without HIS grace, I will be worst off!
During my down-time, I been wandering in & out of many things. Things whereby why do I suffer, why do I still need to go through all these pains? Didn't I already confessed JESUS bore my pains and iniquities, and by HIS stripes, I am all healed? Suddenly I realised, why did I doubt about my healing? Didn't JESUS already redeemed me as in Galatian 3:13, from all the curses of the law? And when I thought of all these, John 20:29 flows into my head and I began to recite that Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed!
The moment I starts doing that, I felt my back stunk even further, causing me to be in incredible pain! And now I know, the devil is very concern not on my healing, but my conscious of who I am! And this is where I put my eyes to the LORD, seeing HIM being scourged, stricken, and all chastisements for my peace were upon HIM, I began to feel the luke warm honey flowing up from my back to my head! And before long, I am able to do most of my daily stuffs again!
Hallelujah, glory-glory to JESUS! For in Chirst is YES, in HIM is AMEN!
LORD JESUS, thank You for not forsaking me, for healing me and for protecting me.
O yes, during that period, I was strongly biting onto Psalm 1:3, For I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth it's fruits in it's season. Whose leafs ALSO will not wither; Whatever I do, shall prosper!
And through Ps Prince, the year 2011 will be crowned with YOUR goodness; YOUR paths drip with abundance!
LORD, with YOU going through January 2011 to December 2011 for me, I know, I am blessed with YOUR fatness.....
First and foremost, A Happy New Year to all!
Wow, it has been more than a month since I last wrote! Well, towards the last week of 2010, I was first down with flu, follow by fever. After-which, my 'slip-disc' (I will write on this again later) which I had suffered for more than 15 years, relapsed. Mind you, the worst of so many years! Eventually, I was down with flu again and only starts to recover these two days..... So all in all, five weeks of down-time! YES, five reminded me of HIS grace, without HIS grace, I will be worst off!
During my down-time, I been wandering in & out of many things. Things whereby why do I suffer, why do I still need to go through all these pains? Didn't I already confessed JESUS bore my pains and iniquities, and by HIS stripes, I am all healed? Suddenly I realised, why did I doubt about my healing? Didn't JESUS already redeemed me as in Galatian 3:13, from all the curses of the law? And when I thought of all these, John 20:29 flows into my head and I began to recite that Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed!
The moment I starts doing that, I felt my back stunk even further, causing me to be in incredible pain! And now I know, the devil is very concern not on my healing, but my conscious of who I am! And this is where I put my eyes to the LORD, seeing HIM being scourged, stricken, and all chastisements for my peace were upon HIM, I began to feel the luke warm honey flowing up from my back to my head! And before long, I am able to do most of my daily stuffs again!
Hallelujah, glory-glory to JESUS! For in Chirst is YES, in HIM is AMEN!
LORD JESUS, thank You for not forsaking me, for healing me and for protecting me.
O yes, during that period, I was strongly biting onto Psalm 1:3, For I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth it's fruits in it's season. Whose leafs ALSO will not wither; Whatever I do, shall prosper!
And through Ps Prince, the year 2011 will be crowned with YOUR goodness; YOUR paths drip with abundance!
LORD, with YOU going through January 2011 to December 2011 for me, I know, I am blessed with YOUR fatness.....
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Significance of 914
It has never dawn unto me this set of number, 914, until it kept flashes up to me recently.
I started to feel HIS presence. The more I feel, the book of Psalm came into my mind.
With keen desires, I flipped to Ps91:4 and Ps9:14 respectively, Lo and behold, I found comfort with the LORD!
It is by no coincident that I made that salvation prayer on Sep (9), 14th of 2008, and made the LORD my Savior and my GOD!
Looking back, the LORD has always put timely understandings and wisdom unto me. There's not one time that HE leave me nor forsake me in any situations.
As for wisdom, HE has filled me, by HIS timing with no rush nor stress.
I remember a brother ever used Matthew 20:16 on me. Today when I looked into the few books which describe "first be last", I found out both Luke and Mark also have the same verse. And best of all, in the book of Mark, the verse lies on 10:31. And this captured my attention; I was born this day, 38 years ago!
Hallelujah my LORD and Savior, I am so glad that Your loving kindness is great; turn towards me the multitude of Your tender mercies!
In the wonderful name of JESUS, I rest.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Rainbow Mentality
Today, I witnessed something very valuable. And I must stress, I never seen anything so fast, so sudden and so clear...
It all started at around 4:27 pm when the sky suddenly became dark, the wind began howling so furiously, and the rain follows.
It was over within a minute!
As I look out of the window, I saw it! It was so near, so fresh and so clear!
Today, I witnessed something very valuable. And I must stress, I never seen anything so fast, so sudden and so clear...
It all started at around 4:27 pm when the sky suddenly became dark, the wind began howling so furiously, and the rain follows.
It was over within a minute!
As I look out of the window, I saw it! It was so near, so fresh and so clear!
I haven't seen a rainbow eversince the day (which I Blogged here) when Mr. Obama was being elected as the USA President! Since then till now, we witnessed the World Economic Credit Crunch and the European Countries facing crisis.....
But today, when the world seems darker as each day passes by, the economic crisis wind howling and pouring, HE is always watching over us. Jesus is on the throne and HE will never forsake us!
And during this rainbow moment, these verses rang through me:-
**Psalm 91:1, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 23:6, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. **
And my dear brethren, it was so clear & respectively in sequence.
I pray you be blessed with 91:1 and 23:6 too!
Praise the wonderful name of our Almighty Jesus!
But today, when the world seems darker as each day passes by, the economic crisis wind howling and pouring, HE is always watching over us. Jesus is on the throne and HE will never forsake us!
And during this rainbow moment, these verses rang through me:-
**Psalm 91:1, He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 23:6, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. **
And my dear brethren, it was so clear & respectively in sequence.
I pray you be blessed with 91:1 and 23:6 too!
Praise the wonderful name of our Almighty Jesus!
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